Park Watch is seeking volunteer Shuttle Drivers to provide critical services to our community.
In addition to providing Free Shuttle rides, Shuttle Drivers distribute donated nonperishable food from our Mobile Pantry to those in need; service our litter bin network; and perform daily Litter Cleanup & Graffiti Removal within Our Service Area.
Shuttle Drivers MUST be 18+ years of age with a valid Texas Driver’s License (TDL) and a good driving record.
Because Shuttle Drivers are sometimes required to empty full litter bins, they must be able to lift a MINIMUM of fifty pounds (50lbs) over their heads.
To volunteer as a Shuttle Driver, contact shuttle@parkwatch.net

Park Watch is seeking a full-time Marketing/Public Relations Intern to assist with social media management; manage and build relationships with residential communities & local retailers; promote our Community Outreach programs to them; and develop and implement marketing plans to sell Park Watch merchandise & ad space on our growing network of litter bins along Barton Springs Rd.
This is a rare opportunity to intern with a fast-growing local nonprofit that’s dedicated to cleaning up the neighborhood and helping local retailers prosper.
Time Commitment: 14 Hours/Week
Park Watch is seeking volunteers to promote our Community Outreach programs to the public by posting Park Watch Ambassador window stickers on their entry doors and similarly branded trash bins in front of their properties.

An Ambassador is any individual, retail merchant or residential community that promotes or actively participates in our community outreach programs, such as litter collection, graffiti removal or patrolling Barton Springs Rd.
Free narcan kits
Park Watch supplies Ambassadors with a virtually unlimited supply of FREE Narcan Kits to offer to their residents, tenants or customers.
Social Media Promotion
With their permission, Park Watch also promotes our Ambassadors by posting short videos produced by us or the Ambassador on Social Media (e.g. Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, etc...)
Entry Door Window Stickers
Park Watch supplies our Ambassadors with 4" diameter circular "Park Watch Ambassador" window stickers, ideal for their entry doors and/or service windows.
Windshield Cling Stickers
Park Watch supplies our Ambassadors, their employees, friends and family with 4" diameter circular "Park Watch Ambassador" electrostatic cling stickers for the windshields of their automobiles.
Park Watch supplies volunteers and retail merchant Ambassadors with enough Narcan nasal spray to reverse the effects of a single opiod overdose long enough for Emergency Medical Services to arrive.

To prevent future overdose deaths, Park Watch distributes FREE Narcan directly to the public as well. If you see a volunteer, we encourage you to request a FREE 2-dose kit.
Litter cleanup
Park Watch is seeking volunteers to pick up litter on the street where they live; post photos of each full bucket to their Instagram account to prove their Community Impact; and tag @parkwatchinc to let us know.

Park Watch supplies FREE trash pickers, buckets and bags to Litter Cleanup volunteers. We rely on YOUR generous donations to purchase this equipment for them.
NOTE: To prove their Community Impact, volunteers should take still photos of every bucket/bag of trash they collect and then post these photos to their personal Instagram account and tag @parkwatchinc.
Graffiti removal
Park Watch is seeking volunteers to paint over graffiti around their neighborhood; post photos of each tag they remove to their Instagram account to prove their Community Impact; and tag @parkwatchinc to let us know.

Blank canvas
Street gangs consider their tags 'art.' To them, ANY blank vertical surface is just a canvas WAITING for their mark.
We're on our own
While Austin Parks & Recreation Department (PARD) WILL remove graffiti in City parks, it's up to individual property owners to remove the graffiti on their premises.
Removal required by law
City ordinance REQUIRES individual property owners to remove graffiti from their premises within thirty (30) days of receipt of a warning.
Our plan
Unfortunately, some have been tagged so many times that most have given up trying to remove them. But, Park Watch REFUSES to give in to these criminals and we've got a plan to make THEM give up.
Speed is the key
RAPIDLY removing graffiti is the most effective way to stop repeated vandalism in an area because it sends the message to taggers that no one will see their “artwork."
Time machine atx to the rescue
Fortunately for us, Time Machine ATX has volunteered to paint over, pressure wash or use solvents to remove all graffiti in East Zilker.
Your paint, our labor
Since removing graffiti often involves painting over it, Park Watch volunteers & Time Machine ATX will happily use any exterior paint you provide.
Posting before & after photos to instagram
To prove their Community Impact, volunteers should take still before & after photos of every piece of graffiti removed and then post these photos to their personal Instagram account and tag @parkwatchinc.
Reporting new tags
If you see NEW graffiti anywhere in the neighborhood, text a photo and the precise location to Time Machine ATX at 512.363.6420 or email us at newtags@parkwatch.net. We’ll try to remove them as fast as they appear.
Short-term solution
Removing tags won't guarantee they'll be gone forever. On the contrary, it merely creates ANOTHER Blank Canvas to be tagged.
Taggers appreciate art
While MOST taggers respect murals, there are a few OUTSIDE the tagging community who will tag on top of them. However, the tagging community discourages such behavior because it makes the rest look like criminals. Consequently, MOST murals remain free of tags.
Consequently, the best way to protect any vertical surface from tagging is to cover it with a mural. Austin has many talented artists who would be happy to create a special mural exclusively for your business or residential community.
Public/private funding
The City has an interest in beautifying our neighborhoods, as do private donors (i.e. Keep Austin Beautiful, Trail Conservancy, etc...) Park Watch would be happy introduce you to folks who could fund YOUR mural.
Authorization required
To authorize Time Machine ATX Pressure Washing to paint over/remove graffiti from YOUR property, click the link below.
The best way to protect any vertical surface from graffiti is to cover it with a beautiful mural.

Park Watch is seeking talented artists to volunteer to create murals for our neighborhood.
While we lack the funding to hire muralists, Park Watch will supply them with FREE paint & equipment.
Emergency Services

Park Watch is seeking volunteer Responders trained in First Aid, CPR, Overdose Reversal, Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), HVAC & Auto/Bicycle Maintenance.
Parking enforcement

The Austin Transportation and Public Works Department, in partnership with Austin Police, train volunteers to issue citations and warnings for illegally parked vehicles in designated accessible parking spaces.
Through volunteering, residents can help ensure accessible parking is available for those who need it most. Volunteers help educate the community and improve awareness on the importance and impact accessible parking has on health and safety.
To become a deputized volunteer, applicants are required to:
- Be 18 years of age or older
- Be a United States citizen
- Pass an initial background check
- Possess a photo ID
- Complete training
- Abide by the program's policies
- Volunteer at least 12 hours a year
Apply to the Accessible Parking Enforcement Volunteer Program.
Applicants must complete 4 hours of training held on the third Friday and Saturday of each month. Classes are divided into two days, part virtual and part field training, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
For questions about the Accessible Parking Enforcement Program, please email AccessibleParkingVol@AustinTexas.gov

Park Watch is seeking volunteers to promote our HVAC Cleaning service.
For Seniors, air-conditioning failure is potentially life-threatening. Fortunately, the most common cause is a clogged condensate drain line which our Responders are equipped to clear in minutes!
Parcel delivery
Park Watch is seeking volunteers who are residents of residential communities with Seniors who need their parcels delivered all the way to their door.

Parcel delivery to your door
The problem
Delivery companies often abandon parcels in the lobbies of apartments and condos making them vulnerable to theft.
Many communities require residents to pick up their parcels at a central parcel storage location, like a mailroom. However, some residents may find it difficult to transport parcels to their homes.
The solution
Park Watch recruits and trains trusted resident volunteers from within your OWN community to deliver your parcels ALL THE WAY TO YOUR DOOR!
Posting photos to instagram
To prove their Community Impact, volunteers, with permission, should take still photos of every person they serve and then post these photos to their personal Instagram account and tag @parkwatchinc.
Park walk
Park Watch is seeking volunteers to escort Seniors around Zilker Park.

Zilker Park's Great Lawn has a smooth, even surface which is PERFECT for casuals strolls.
Feel like getting our and stretching your legs?
We can help!
Park Walk volunteers will meet you at your drop off point; help you out of your transportation; escort you on an assisted tour of the park; provide you with drinks & snacks; and help you into your transportation for your return trip home.
Advisory Board

Park Watch is seeking Advisory Board members to help raise funds to EXPAND our Network to include neighborhoods all over Austin.
Fundraising Host

Park Watch is seeking FUNdraising Hosts to organize unique events to raise money for our Community Outreach programs.